Attendance & Holidays
To enable all pupils to benefit from their education Brooklands are committed to securing full attendance at the school and good time keeping on arrival.
Good attendance at school makes it easier for your child to make, and keep, good friends as well as being able to learn well. There is a direct correlation between good school attendance and getting good qualifications at GCSE. The government's expected attendance for primary aged pupils is at least 96%, which allows for the usual incidence of childhood illnesses.
We have a structured approach to supporting children with poor attendance and work closely with the Greenwich Attendance Officer to this end. If your child is too ill to attend school, please ring us on the first morning to let us know. We will pursue any unexplained absence or persistent absence for which there is no authorisation.
Holidays taken in school time are not authorised and could result in a fine. Families taking holidays in term time will be referred to the Educational Welfare Officer.