Maritime Academy Trust

Maritime is a charitable education trust with schools across London and the South East.

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Big Outcomes

At MARITIME we pride ourselves on our BIG outcomes.  Big outcomes provide children the opportunity to share their learning to a wider audience.  It is the Maritime Curriculum Intent that big outcomes are embedded within each individual school’s curriculum.  Each school within Maritime will approach this differently but the rationale behind them remains the same for all.


Big Outcomes are events designed and implemented by our children over the course of a number of weeks or even months. The children decide what they are aiming for and how to get there. They then carry out all the tasks to get there - from negotiating the price of a bus for a bus tour to designing the marketing for a show to creating the products to sell. Each year group from Reception creates a Big Outcome.  They can range from children running their own Pudding Lane shop to creating a coffee shop from scratch, holding an upcycled auction or creating an art gallery. Over the years the ideas have been many and plentiful and at Maritime, we involve the children in planning and creating these opportunities. 

The children lead their learning and are directly involved in research, questioning and ideation; collaborating in teams - as well as independently - working systematically to produce outcomes.  When collaborating, they decide on specific roles, provide sequence time frames and suggest outcomes within the learning sequence to share with their parents at the final event. The children are passionate about the outcome and their learning encompasses all subjects and extend beyond the classroom. 

Big outcomes are not teacher’s ideas - teachers facilitate discussions between children during the idea stage, and they help with the direction of the project to ensure the execution is of high quality, but the children are involved in the planning and preparation of the Big Outcome from the beginning and are central to its delivery and execution.