Home Learning Resources
This section of our website has been put together to help support families if their child is at home awaiting test results. Nothing contained here is compulsory; it is intended that families will use the resources as flexibly as they wish.
If you need further assistance, please contact us at info@brooklands-maritime.org
In the following sections, you will find:
- links to our home learning portals
- guidance and advice on how to support children at home
- other links and useful pages
Home Learning Portals
Lexia NumbotsTimes Table Rock Stars Purple MashLetter-join Twinkl Home Learning Hub
Online lessons
BBC Bitesize Oak National Academy
Other useful links
Below are some websites you may find useful to go alongside RWI and NumBots, we do not promote just the use of tablets, smartphones or computers. Make sensible choices about screen time for your child.
BBC bitesize
England: KS1 has games linked to phonics and early reading and writing as well as maths
Northern Ireland: Foundation Stage has games and videos for children
Scotland: Early Level has video clips for children
Blockly Games- Simple introduction to computer programming
Scratch- Computer programming
National Geographic Kids- Learning, videos and games
Duolingo- Learn languages for free
The Kids Should See This- Educational videos to spark conversation and interest
Crest Awards- Science experiments and awards to complete at home (involves some cost)
Cbeebies Radio- Listening activities for children
Oxford Owl- Reading and maths activities
The Imagination Tree- Creative, art, craft and sensory activities
Phonics Play- Phonic games for children to play
Topmarks- Educational games, mixed ages and all subjects
ICT games- Educational games
Teach your monster to read- Phonics and reading
Improve mathematics fluency, accuracy and speed